Tuesday, October 30, 2007


While my weight was good on Monday, my weight in day (133), I am now on a downhill slide. I made pumpkin cookies on Monday night. I froze most of them, but managed to eat 4 of those wonderful things...then I could not do any exercise today. I teach at 7:00 am at the Mission and that means getting up at 5:00 am and I am just wasted the rest of the day. Even with a nap and a Cokezero, I still didn't feel like doing anything until after supper. Then all the trick-or-treaters came!!
Double up tomorrow, but I still intend to keep the same schedule otherwise. Let's reiterate:
water, water, water. hoola hoop 3 days a week; walk / run 2 days a week. I did hoola hoop on Monday.
(Somebody eat those cookies!!!!)


Krista said...

Those darn holidays will get you every time! :) We have our trick or treat tonight so we'll be in the same boat.

Kara said...

One day slip up isn't "going down hill" - you'll be fine! You are doing well!