Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Staying stable

As I just focus on exercise, I find I am maintaining my weight well. I just pay attention to my daily exercise and drink water. Not fighting the point system seems to have really helped. As I continue to tone up and perk up my energy level (with muscle), my weight is holding. Monday morning it was at 133 (although now on Wednesday, I think it is below 132).
I did boo-boo today and had some potato chips, which would normally be completely off my diet, but just like an addict, I set myself up for it by 1) purchasing some chips and 2) having meal schedule off kilter. Tuesdays I teach at noon and 2:00 pm. I try to eat breakfast early enough to be hungry at 10:30 for a snack/lunch because I leave at 11:00 am. Then when I get home at 3:30 (or so), I end up eating before supper. It should be a banana or an apple, but there sat those chips...I gotta figure something else out for that day. Maybe not purchase chips.
I managed a short run this morning, along with hula hooping. Staying on the exercise target pretty well. I do need to watch that I am drinking enough water.


Krista said...

Those chips will get you every time. My personal favorite are Baked Cheddar and Sour Cream. 2 points for an ounce and the serving size is satisfying.

Kara said...

Mom - I would try eating a pretty big breakfast later in the morning. Usually when I eat a big breakfast I don't start to feel hungry for lunch until about 2:00/3:00. Somthing w/ eggs, sausage, toast (or french toast) and some fruit and coffee. Sounds great huh? Just a thought!