Sunday, March 9, 2008


You totally did bust me on NOT posting this weekend. In Spite of the fact that I did not post - the knowledge that I really had to tell someone what I was eating really helped me.

Exercise: none
Water: did my 64 oz
Eating: used 30 out of 20 points (consider 10 flex points) - (23 remaining)

Exercise: Shoveled teh driveway for about 2 hours - gave myself 7 exercise points
Water: did my 64 oz
Eating: used 32 out of 27 (consider5 flex points) - didn't go out to eat - (18 flex points remaining)

Exercise: Shoveled the driveway for about 45 min - gave myself 2 exercise points
Water: did my 64 oz
Eating: used al my flex points and exercise points 40 out of 40 points

Monday and Tuesday I have a conference - no control over my eating. I will not eat any of the breakfast they offer - no dessert, no roles, no dressing on my salad and drink TONS of water. Keep my dinner points to 10 points. I will bring my own 0 points snacks to eat between meals. The remainder of the week I will stick to 20 points a day using flex (only 30) and exercise points as needed.

Exercise at least 4 times
Drink at least 54 oz of water - limiting coffee consumption to 4 times this week.

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