Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm here! I'm here!

So you KNOW I'm so excited about my weigh in 128.5 - only 1 lb down from my very first weigh in after Christmas - but I'm happy about it. I think I'm on a roll!

Monday: So today I had 28 points.
Tuesday: 20 points
Wednesday - yummy noodles & co. - 28 points again today. (total 8 flex points used this week so far - 27 more to go - you know I'll use them all)
Thursday: 25 out of 24 points (consider 4 exercise points and 1 flex point)

Exercise at least 4 times:
Monday - went to BOSU
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - boot camp
Thursday - boot camp

Drink at least 64 oz of water - limiting coffee consumption to 4 times this week.
MOnday - did it and way more! Had coffee
Tuesday - drank it and had coffee
Wednesday - drank it and had coffee
Thursday - drank it and had coffee. I'm not sure I'm going to make the coffee goal - but I will try.

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