Monday, April 7, 2008


I fully support your new overhaul. I really hope it works b/c you deserve to see success on the scale. You have really stepped up the exercise and are committed to the routine. Your eating habits are very healthy as well. Good luck at tomorrow's weigh in. I suggest you weigh in on Wednesday morning too so you can see if there is a difference between the 2 days with/without the workout.

Today was one of the first days where I felt that I could tell a difference in my appearance. It's nice to look in the mirror and think something positive rather than negativity. We'll see how Wednesday morning goes b/c I don't feel that I've had a successful week.

Water: 64 oz.
Food: 26 of 28 points
Exercise: 1 hour, 30 minutes of raking leaves and 30 minutes on treadmill


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