Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So, water intake is stable and I am trying to keep those carbs down (not calories, Kara). This marks the second week of running. Monday I noticed a great increase in stamina and distance. Interestingly, I thought I "felt" fat despite the fact the scale has not moved (gaining muscle) and I am solidly at 132 pounds (or my scale is stuck). But I put on a skinny pair of pants today and they fit better than they had for awhile. That was good motivation.
Ultimately that is my goal: to stay in my present size/clothes. I want to buy new clothes because it's the season or the old ones are shabby,not because I've gotten fat (or out of shape) or any thinner.
On Monday, not only did I run in the morning, but I rode the bike with Jamie in the evening.
I do need to keep the carbs low, though. The homemade bread gives rise (pun) to wanting to do other baking. Made my delicious scones yesterday...thankfully Jamie ate a lot of them?

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