Friday, October 26, 2007


Alright!! I met all my goals for exercise this week and then some.
Besides the regular schedule, I added an extra walk yesterday, then today I added a walk with some running. In a mile walk, I actually ran about 300 yards--in 50-yard increments. All along the my favorite path are little cul-de-sacs and I ran for every 2 of 3 that that I came to. Feeling pretty good about that!!! Praise the Lord I can still run. I probably had not run since April and that was only in the gym on a treadmill. Hopefully, the asphalt won't beat up my joints too bad!!

Now everything else is a gift!!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Great job on the running. I'm inspired by you and Jen. I want to start running again. I will have to wait and see what the P.T. says. I go back to the dr in three weeks, he says I should be pretty close to normal by then.