Monday, October 1, 2007

Weekend update

I'm here, I'm here. I was out of town all weekend and way too exhausted when I got home to even think-literally. I am happy to report that I had so much fun at the wedding and throughout the weekend. It felt good.

My diet was bad though. I came home and changed my thinking a little. I am going to break down my weight loss goals to each month. For example, for October I would like to lose 10 lbs. I'll decide the goal for each month and shoot for it. I feel comfortable with this b/c I can break the large overall number down into workable increments.

I will create new goals on Wednesday and base my 10 lb. goal on whatever that stupid scale tells me on Wednesday morning. I was feeling very good last week and I know I can get that feeling back!

Sorry you missed me so much Kara. :) I always miss you too.


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