Tuesday, October 9, 2007

posting? Loosing weight? Goals?

I am sad that no one (including myself) has posted. I was hoping to hear from someone. I have gotten on every day and haven't seen any updates from anyone, so it makes me not update as well, because I don't think anyone else is reading. Many people have some life circumstances that are keeping them from focusing on something like this. But I need support from others. Krista? Mom? Jen?

I can say that I didn't count points over this past week/weekend. I have been controlling my eating pretty well (except Sat night for my date with Dave). Otherwise I have been pretty good, and getting out and walking practically every day.

I weighed in this morning (a day early) because I wanted to see where I am at. 127 (with my shoes on), down 1 lb from last week. Not bad. I will weigh in again tomorrow without shoes on and see how that goes.

I am not going to count points this week. My mom is in town and there are different eating opportunities that are going to arise.

I will commit to exercising every day (of some sort), drinking 64 oz of water and NOT eating after 8:00pm.

1 comment:

GinaE said...

Did we watch each other eat this week?