Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, I came home to a weight of 131, which was superb, but then two days of baking, a big New Year's Day and drinking some alcohol a couple of nights and I am up to 134 pounds. There are some bad things in my refrigerator that will be problems: real cream, banana bread and banana cake, strawberry pie. All are scrumptious. But I know those have also contributed. So, the plans is as follows:
8 glasses of water a day (specifically, one glass before and after each meal)
No sugar products (after the bread, pie and cake are gone?)
Reduced fat: back to soy creamer and low-fat cottage cheese
Walk/run aerobically twice a week.
Hoola Hoope three times a week.

Right now the challenge is the sugar and fat prducts. I have 2 containers of real cream in the frig, along with the afore mentioned goodies.
Also, after a run yesterday, I am dealing with some serious pain--what is that? Do I need to go to the doctor (accident results) or just slow down and walk only. What say ye, oh, physcial trainer? I was really wanting to step it up after the holidays, but for what little I ran, I am back to an awful lot of pain.

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