Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friday & Saturday

So I didn't post either.

Last night we went out to dinner with friends. We seem to be doing that a lot lately. It doesn't help with dieting. I also have NO idea how many points things were becuase, of course we have to go to wierd places to eat. So I got a vegitarian indian dish. Spinaige, potatoe (just a few in there) and rice w/ a cup of soup and a 1/2 piece of flat bread. I found the food item in the WW book - 6 points for one cup - so I gave myself 12, plus 3 for the soup (Dave ate some of it too) and 3 for the flat bread. The sad thing is that about 10:45 I was lying in bed starving and not abl eto slepe because of Dave's snoring - so I got up and gave in to the graving of nutty nuggets. An additional 8 points (milk & NN) - as I was lying in bed I was thinking, what is the point, why am I going to bed hungry - for what reason - who cares. But today I'm back on points (SAT) for the most part. We did go to someone else's house for dinner tonight. No control over the food choices - lentel soup (which isn't that bad) and a peanut asiain noodle thing (delicous) - so anyway here are my calculations:
Friday -
Water & Coffee
walked three miles to pick up my car (4 points)
Food: 39 points (consider 4 flex points and 15 flex points)

Saturday -
Water - no coffee
walked for about an hour in the park w/ Tyler and Dave (4 exercise points)
Food: 31 points (consider 4 exercise points and 7 flex points) - flex points remaining

ALSO - I was reading in one of Krista's cookbooks - it was saying that if you are having a sweet tooth that you should drink sugar free hot chocolate and it's 0 points. So I went to the store and found Swiss Miss hot chocolate - diet verson. 25 calories and 1 fiber, 0 fat. It was OK - but is kind of nice to know that I can have some hot chocolate for 0 points.

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