Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Weekend

OK - so I suck! I haven't posted. I am so sorry. My husband doesn't think that I suck - he says that I am a very hard worker, I do a good job exercising and eating well and most importantly, loving him.

So - counting my points went out the window this weekend. I did finish off my milk - so no more cereal temptations. Today was a busy busy busy day. I haven't been this busy since before I had Tyler. church, then taugh children's church at the 2nd service, came home long enought to eat lunch, went to see Marcia and her new baby boy (Locklan), came home with just enough time to change Tyler, pack his dinner and go to our small group. I wasn't going to cook anything for dinner so Dave picked up Chinese. So I was a gonner because of that too! Luckily we always split a meal, so that wasn't SO bad. I did run yesterday - for about 35 min (3 miles) and walked for about 20 min (1 mile)

Goals for this week. It's going to be hard. Mon, Tues - conference - no coices on my food. I did register as vegitarian - so hopefully that will help. I will avoid the bread and dressing on my salad. I will also avoid the cookies that they have there in the afternoon. I will bring my own mid morning and afternoon snacks.

Wed - director's meeting lunch - so I will probably not eat well there.

Thursday should be ok - then mom and Jamie come in for the weekend.

So - the goal is manage my food intake to healthy, low fat, high protien choices. Also limit sweets to two times.
Exercise at least 3-4 times
Drink 64 oz water

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