Thursday, April 24, 2008


So I've been feeling pretty poopy (sick) - that is why I haven't been on. I have been going to bed early (9/9:30/10:00) and haven't been making it to boot camp. I usually at lesat make it to boot camp - but I just doing feel well enough. We have been outside a lot - so that helps!

1. Exercise at least five days (I figure I can do this easily since the weather is going to be nice)
Monday - walked / Krista and went for a bike ride
Tuesday - worked in the yard with Tyler in the urgo baby - it was fun
Wenesday - went for a very short walk with Tyler on my back

2. eat in a controlled manner - limit bread intake to three times - no more than two slices.
Monday - good
Tuesday - good
Wednesday - good

3. Drink 64 oz of water
Monday - good
Tuesday - good
Wednesday - good

I am going to work towards getting back to that high intensity working out once I start feeling better.

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