Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Carol's goals

I'm going to start counting Well, how about tomorrow morning? It would be depressing to count up my points for today. I'll actually start writing them down and keeping track tomorrow. I will also try to exercise 2-3 times in the next several days. That's about as specific as I can get. I think I put on a couple of pounds over vacation, so I definitely want to lose those and maybe a couple more. I don't plan on posting my weight here because seriously, putting that number out there could send me into an obsessive tailspin.

1 comment:

Kara said...

Carol - good to see your goals. Sounds like GREAT ones. I woulnd't worry about putting your weight down. There are people that will eventually get to that point (that will be posting) that are at a much higher weight than you. But no pressure - it's totally up to you!!