Sunday, September 23, 2007

Didn't post since Thursday

I haven't written since Thursday. It's kind of typical of me. I tend to she away from the computer on the weekend, since I am in front of one so much during the week.

I did not stick to my goals this weekend. Friday night we were morning that the boot has to stay on another two weeks - so I got a hot fudge sundae (it was pretty good - but I've had better). This also meant that I ate after 8:00 on Friday. Friday, Sat and Sunday I didn't do any sit ups or push ups. We did go to the zoo today and I walked a bit (a lot more than I should of - my ankle is killing me). Each day I had sweets (although yesterday and today were just 100 calorie packs). SO, here's to a new week w/ new goals.

1. Don't eat after 8:00 pm - (except for on Tuesday - I have class that night from 7:00 - 9:48, I want to take a snack.
2. Exercise at least 5 times (push ups & sit ups combined w/ some sort of walking).
3. Drink at least 64 oz of water each day.
4. Weigh in on Wednesday in the am. Report weight. If my weight is above 128 - start counting points for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Very exciting that you are starting classes!!!

I've already lectured you about the zoo and walking. :)