Monday, September 24, 2007


I have renamed this blog for myself. Due to my current condition of knocked-upedness, I will not be losing any poundage. Can I still be in your blog? I have goals: to gain no more than 25 lbs. That seems pretty crazy, considering I gained 60 with Naomi, but I think I can do it. That would mean 5 during the first trimester, and 10 for the 2nd and 3rd. I'm not sure how to do this though. Any suggestions?


Kara said...

Of course you can still be on the blog!!!

When you got your book from Weight Watchers I though you had said that it gave the amount of points you should eat if you were pregnant and if you were nursing. Is that true? I would look on that to see if that can help you! Of course, exercise is always helpful - but very difficult when you are pregnant.

Krista said...

Congratulations Anne!! Kara told me you were expecting. Kara did a great job of maintaining weight when she was pregnant so I would listen to her. :)

Good luck.

GinaE said...

Exercise is the key--walking is always good. I would try a pregnancy-exercise class--strengthen those muscles for the big finish!! Water events are good, too. I know delivery for me was easier with the child born in the fall (active summer) than the child born in the spring (lazy winter). Congratulations!!!

GinaE said...

really--"knocked-upness"? That stupid movie. Why does popular culture (specifically media) so define our language?