Sunday, September 2, 2007

Goals for this weekend - Sept 1 - 3rd

Here are my goals for this weekend(Kara):
1. Drink at least 64 oz of water each day.
Sept 1st - drank AT LEAST 64 oz of water.
Sept 2nd - drank my 64 oz.
Sept 3rd - drank at least 64 oz.

2. Eat a sweet ONLY ONE time.
Sept 1st - no sweets today - although we were tempted by "Knight's Ice Cream" - close to our house.
Sept 2nd - no sweets today.
Sept 3rd - Dave was wanting dessert. At 8:00 last night he asked me to make cookies. I made some delicious sugar cookies. I had two!

3. Do 50 sit ups and 10 push ups each day.
Sept 1st - Did the 50 sit ups. I did 20 "girl" push ups. I wanted to do the real ones but couldn't figure out how with the bad ankle.
Sept 2nd - Did the 50 sit ups and 20 girl push ups. Dave did it with me - he almost didn't make it "It HURTS" he said. :)
Sept 3rd - I didn't do my sit ups and push ups, but Dave and I went for a bike ride. Not to long of one - but I did SOME exercise today.

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