Thursday, September 27, 2007


1. Don't eat after 8:00 pm - (except for on Tuesday - I have class that night from 7:00 - 9:48, I want to take a snack.Monday - didn't eat after 8:00pm
Tuesday - Did eat after 8:00 - 100 cal pack, grapes and water - fairly healthy!
Wednesday - did not eat after 8:00

2. Exercise at least 5 times (push ups & sit ups combined w/ some sort of walking).Monday - no exercise
Tuesday - walked to class (although that isn't far) and did my sit ups and push ups
Wednesday - did my sit ups and push ups.

3. Drink at least 64 oz of water each day.Monday - I did this. I have to manage my water intake - its so hard. If I drink too much during the day (at work) them I'm peeing every hour and I can't make it through a meeting. If I drink too much in the evening then I'm up two times in the night peeing - sometimes I can't get back to sleep.
Tuesday - drank it
Wednesday - drank it

1 comment:

GinaE said...

How much water are you drinking? As a young person, I wouldn't think you should be getting up in the night. I don't get up and I drink at least 6 12-ounce glasses a day, usually more. Of course, now I am sweating it off like crazy.