Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Popcorn Unadorned

Popcorn, with no additions or fat-free, is only 1 point for 5 cups. What fun that is!!! I pop it with a microwave popper that uses regular popcorn and a little oil--then there are no transfats, etc.

My weight Monday was 133 pounds, a good weight for me. I am now going to shoot for just the toning/aerobic side of this effort. I have been hula hooping on schedule (3x a week) and am up to 15 minutes. I used a "sport hoop" which is a weighted hoop that I bought in LA. It really tightens the back and lower stomach.

The dancercize place isn't doing classes, so I have the schedule for the YMCA, which is only a mile away. There are no excuses, except that there are contractors in my house almost every day. That should diminish greatly next week. Then there are no excuses.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I say some microwave popcorn at our local raisin rack (health food store). It has no oil or butter in it. Just corn to be popped in the microwave. I thought about getting it for Tyler. Maybe I'll pick some up when your here and we can try it together!