Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Let's see if I can get back on track

No Kara, you aren't all alone. This weekend I spent being incredibly lazy and fat. I ate lots of food and was inactive. Sometimes, a perfect weekend. :) Anyway, I also went shopping on Monday and that was an eye opener. I'm not a big shopper to begin with but there are times when it's half way enjoyable. Monday was not one of those times. Nothing fit, I was between the misses and women's departments and it started to remind me of my past. I've decided I have to get focused and stop making excuses.

Of course, my one motivator- an upcoming wedding is only 2 weeks away. I have to face 2 ex's at this wedding so I should of had this motivation a long time ago. Oh well, we can't change that and it's my own fault.

To spare you from my rambling- I've set some goals for myself. I'm still searching for my reward at the end but this is at least a start. Also, I didn't weigh in this morning b/c I was too scared.

1) Water: Drink 72 oz. daily
2) Food: Stay within points
3) Exercise: Something everyday

Oh how I'm hoping I can get my motivation back.


1 comment:

Kara said...

YEAH - I'm so glad that you posted. I was going to nag you this morning if you hadn't!!!!!! YEAH!