Monday, March 10, 2008


Gee what a day! First of all, I knew you were going to pull the 2 car driveway on me.

Did I mention to you at all that I had been hearing a strange knocking sound in my wheel well on my car? Well, today the tire blew AGAIN on the Interstate. I was headed to Keysler to get it looked at and BOOM out it went. This time I was stuck on the side of I-70 and as always it was another dangerous corner. Those semi's fly by during rush hour. Fortunately, within 5 minutes FIRST response team from ODOT pulled up and changed it for me. He even asked that I just sit in the car, keep warm and listen to the radio while he did the risky stuff. All for FREE! I was so happy. Turns out I must have run over something pretty big and it just decided to pop out today.

Diet wise was about the same.

1) Water: Over 64 oz.
2) Food: 28 of 28 points
3) Exercise: none today. Still trying to recover from shoveling. I can barely get my bra on and off.

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