Thursday, March 27, 2008


I think I fixed your post. I just went to the edit and clicked the publish post button. Don't know if this would have worked for you because I think I have a little bit more access because I'm the "administrator", whatever that means.

So I suck - I didn't post last night, like you asked. It was a busy evening - catching up on some things that Dave and I haven't done ina while (becuase he was sick) and won't be able to do over the weekend (because my mom is comin) - catch my drift? Plus we had bathrooms to clean and picking up to do - since we are having "company".

Exercised HARD at boot camp (my butt is killing me)
Food - 25 out of 24 points (1flex point and 4 exercise points)
Water - drank my 64 oz and had one mug of coffee

Monday:No exerciseWater - drank 64 ounces and only one mug of coffeeFood - 20 out of 20 points (had do sweets - should I count the small sugar free jello in my box of South Beach diet meal? - I'm not, becuase it's sugar free!) - I did pack my lunch for my trip to Dayton - it worked out nicely!TuesdayExercised at boot campFood - 24 out of 24 points - ate sweets/dessertWater drank my 64 oz and had one mug of coffee

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