Monday, March 3, 2008

Tight Pants

So I put on my baggy pants this morning and they are tight in the crotch. NOT HAPPY. So the excuse that my high intesity working out has caused my to wiegh more via muscle gain -is no longer a good excuse. I am posting goals - accountability helps me. So if you look on this site please make comments to let m know someone is looking at what I am doing - I hate to tell on myself when I'm bad!

1. Working out!
At least 4 times (bosu tonight, boot camp on Wed & Thurs and walk or run one other time)
2. Eating
Stay within points, using flex and exercise points as needed.
3. Water
Drink my 64 oz everyday

Keep track on my progress on here and on the diet worksheets that Krista is getting me.
Please help me remain accountable!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I'm here- I'm here. I'm really going to try to stay up with this. Now the question is- will you see that I made a comment?