Monday, March 31, 2008


So because I won't be able to post tonight - and I don't know if I can post tomorrow - here is where I am so far.

Coffee only three times - drink at least 64 oz of water - no more than 80
Monday - no coffee - so far I'm at 48 ounces. I had no coffee today. I wan to avoid coffee tomorrow too - but who knows. I will certainly be able to meet the water goal today, because I exercise tonight and that always makes me drink more.

Stay within points using flex and exercise points as needed.
So far today I have had 11 points. - w/ 4 exercise points for tonight - I really see this as doable. We are having chili tonight. I don't know how many points to count it per cup. 4? I have to look at the book. It's beef - but that 96/4 beef (beans, corn, tomatoes, onion).

Exercise at least 4 times.
Monday - I will do BOSU!

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