Saturday, March 22, 2008


Sounds like you've been right on track. Today was National Corndog Day so I was obligated to eat some corn dog nuggets with Jeff. The problem was that we had them at 3:00 this afternoon and I ate lunch. He made the nuggets and tater tots for us to share! I ate them and had a 5 point dinner to keep me within my daily points saving all of my flex points for tomorrow and Monday while I'm at home. Of course I won't be able to tell anything and I'm very nervous as to how I'll react. I usually do one of two things- I say forget it or I go completely overboard and offend people b/c I won't eat or I say something I shouldn't. I'm going to try to just eat decent portions and keep my mouth shut. I'm planning to take other food for the rest of the meals.

I may not be able to post tomorrow since I'll be at my Brother's. I'll try but just in case-you have a heads up.

Water: Drank over 64 oz. and am still thirsty
Food: 29 of 28 points (1 exercise point)
Exercise: 41 minutes on treadmill

Happy Easter!

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